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Where can I learn Drift in Italy? | Drift Racing Course | Drift Instructor in Milan

Where can I learn Drift in Italy? | Drift Racing Course | Drift Instructor in Milan

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Race Track Services | Professional Instructor | Telemetry | Mechanics | Transfer Services

Race Track Services | Professional Instructor | Telemetry | Mechanics | Transfer Services

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How to Improve my driving skills ? | Advanced Driving school in Italy

How to Improve my driving skills ? | Advanced Driving school in Italy

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Useful Info

How to become a Race Driver

I. First you need to hold a race license

How to receive and hold a FIA race license ?

Process in Italy ( similar in all European countries)

  1. In most cases you will need to get a signed reference paper from the organization that organize the championship. Time to receive it - immediate

  2. Set appointment in a clinic or hospital for a brain check – EEG. Time to receive it – 1-4 weeks

  3. Set appointment in a medical center for medical certificate for AUTOMOBILISMO VELOCITÀ. Time to receive it – immediate

  4. Set appointment with your regional FIA party in your country (in Italy ACI SPORT). Be prepared with documents such as: ID card, Social security card, medical certificate, in case of minor both parents need to be presented and a race course certificate taken by FIA party (ACI SPORT).


If you need references for the organization, clinic or regional ACI SPORT , please contact us

II. Once you have a race license, you need to get some practice. You need a Racing course and Track Days

Racing course will give you the basic understanding of the car and technique used by race driver to go faster and safer. While it may seem easy , to control a car with extreme good power to weight ratio, is not an easy task at all.

You don't need much, just to understand the theory, the rules, safety and danger in order for you to start to gain confident and drive fast.
It is not necessary but extremely recommended 

a one day course is recommended 


III. Now its about time to gain experience and become better. You need Track Days 

In order to do that you need to do Track Days on your selected category and as many as possible.

Track days will give you the confident and the experience to learn about the race tracks, the car and most important your behavior and style of driving. 

each circuit is different, there are many types of corners , many road conditions that you will need to learn in order for you to be ready for a race.

We recommend at least 6 months of training before getting into a race track for a real race.

of course you can do it before but if you want to be competitive you need experience and knowledge. (This is of course if you don't have previous experience) 

IV. Race

Now you are ready to race. 

Also on this stage you need to learn the rules of race weekend, briefing , how to start , how to lap, how to improve, how to overtake, how to defend. This you will be able to gain and learn with a good  racing team that will support you and teach you all of the above.

a well prepared team can make a lot of different , first by means of your experience and second by results 

We are here obviously to assist and support by any means, levels and stage.

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